Frequently Asked Questions

  • I own a wall which I'd like painted, how do I let you know?

    We will be publicising the application process in late 2023 please follow us on social media for more information.

  • How do I apply to paint at LOOKUP?

    We invite the headline artists.  We will issue an open call for other artists.  We commit to offering 20% of places to local artists and seek to maximise the inclusion of female artists and artists with other under represented characteristics.

  • I painted this year, can I apply again?

    Local artists are welcome to apply every year.  We want to offer as many artists as possible the opportunity to paint at LOOKUP and to bring a wide variety of art to the city.  We will prioritise artists who didn’t paint this year if/when we select for the following year's event.

  • Will the paintings only last the weekend or can we see them after the festival?

    The majority of walls painted at the festival will be permanent. Some of the painted boards will be around for a year or so.

  • Will the walls be painted out?

    It’s hoped that, should the festival be well received & it can run again! New walls will be sought, so we can build a huge permanent art gallery across the city.

  • How do we find out where the walls are?

    There will be an updated Google Map hitting the website soon.

  • Why does it say that LOOK UP is on 9th/10th Sept, when there are already artists painting?

    The festival is described as two days as that’s when the majority of artists are painting. Lots of locals will have spotted that some of the larger headline artists are already painting. More will be starting Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs depending on the size of their wall.

  • Can we take photos of the artists and their work?

    Most artists are incredibly pleased to have their work photographed and many are OK about being photographed but there are a few artists who like to stay anonymous - so please always ask first if the artists are OK with being in the photo? Sharing artists work on social media is a brilliant way to support them. Please be to sure to credit & tag the artist where possible.

  • Can we walk around the festival?

    LOOK UP is very spread out with artworks in all corners of the the city (check out the MAP). On our HOME page you’ll a find discount code for Beryl Electric Bikes and VOI E Scooters. And finally, the buses in Portsmouth are also FREE every weekend in September too.

  • Can we join in?

    Whilst artist registration is closed, we are excited to offer FREE* Spray Paint & Doodle Workshops at our festival Headquarters Pitt St. Skatepark on Sat & Sun!  *These are open to anyone over the age of ten*. You can book places via our linktree.